# File Transfer Interval You can upload file to cloud using this App. Check below config option ## OS ![Ubuntu](https://img.shields.io/badge/Ubuntu-E95420?style=for-the-badge&logo=ubuntu&logoColor=white) - 20.04 LTS : :heavy_check_mark: - 22.04 LTS : :heavy_check_mark: ![Rocky Linux](https://img.shields.io/badge/-Rocky%20Linux-%2310B981?style=for-the-badge&logo=rockylinux&logoColor=white) - None ![Windows](https://img.shields.io/badge/Windows-0078D6?style=for-the-badge&logo=windows&logoColor=white) - None ## option_list ### option **explain** ```json { "Minio_url": Object Storage URL , "AccessKey": Object Storage AccessKey , "SecretKey": Object Storage SecretKey , "Boto3SignatureVersion": "s3v4" , "Boto3RegionName":"us-east-1" , "BucketName":"gseps-test-a", "file_save_path": folder path what you want to upload , "send_json_flag": if is true, json file will be send to amqp , "delete_sended_file_flag": if is true, after upload, file will be deleted , "send_interval": time interval to upload , "amqp_url": amqp url , "amqp_port": amqp port , "amqp_vhost": amqp_vhost , "amqp_id": amqp id , "amqp_pw": amqp password , "amqp_queue": queue_name in amqp } ``` ### example json ```json { "amqp_url": "", "amqp_port": 30747, "amqp_vhost": "/", "amqp_id": "sdt", "amqp_pw": "251327", "amqp_queue": "gseps-mq", "Minio_url": "", "AccessKey":"VV2gooVNevRAIg7HrXQr", "SecretKey":"epJmFWxwfzUUgYeyDqLa8ouitHZaWTwAvPfPNUBL", "Boto3SignatureVersion":"s3v4", "Boto3RegionName":"us-east-1", "BucketName":"gseps-test-a", "file_save_path": "/home/sdt/Workspace/gseps/capture/", "send_json_flag": true, "delete_sended_file_flag": true, "send_interval":30 } ``````